Olympic Stadium aerial view July 30 2010December 11 - An investigation has been launched to find out what is being done to ensure low-skilled and unemployed Londoners get a fair chance of clinching 2012 jobs.

The London Assembly has appointed its Economic Development, Culture, Sport and Tourism (EDCST) Committee to focus on the 200,000-strong workforce needed from July to September 2012 with the aim of creating long-term work and skills benefits for local people.

Work ranges from catering, cleaning, waste and security, to media, hospitality, tourism, sport and leisure and will include roles for 70,000 volunteers.

London 2012 has set a target of employing 15 to 20 per cent of the total workforce from people living in the Host Boroughs and between seven and 12 per cent of people who were previously unemployed.

The Host Boroughs are home to some of Britain's most deprived communities, with employment rates and qualification levels significantly lower than the rest of London.

A previous EDCST investigation looked at employment targets during the construction of the Olympic Park and the Committee will now focus on the temporary Games-time workforce.

Multiple organisations are involved in funding and providing skills and employment support, including the London Development Agency, Jobcentre Plus, local authorities and voluntary organisations.

Len Duvall, chair of the EDCST Committee, said: "Whether paid or voluntary, working at the Olympics is an aspiration for many in London, and in particular in the east end, but lack of opportunity or formal qualifications can often hold people back.

"That's why it's vital that local skills and training providers are giving people the tools they need to get into these jobs.

"This investigation is all about ensuring the 200,000 temporary positions have long term jobs and skills benefits for local people."

The Committee will hear from organisers and skills and training agencies in the new year, together with organisations involved in the regeneration of East London.

The Committee will publish a full report in summer 2011.