
Mayor of London pledges over £12 million to grass-roots sports

By Tom Degun

boris_johnson_bmx_newsquest_media_group_14-07-11July 15 - Mayor of London Boris Johnson has today announced that over £12 million ($19 million/€14million) will be invested into grass-roots sports projects in the English capital as part of the drive to get thousands more people fit and active, hitting his target of channelling £30 million ($48 million) into sport ahead of the London 2012 Games.

The citizens of Annecy have won, claim anti-Olympic body

By David Gold

annecy_anti-olympic_protestors_12-07-11July 12 - The Annecy Anti-Olympic Committee claimed that "the citizens of Annecy have won" after the French town lost its bid to host the 2018 Winter Olympics and Paralympics to Pyeongchang, and said that bid leader Charles Beigbeder should return his Légion d'honneur, one of the most privileged honours in France.

London 2012 set for biggest spending spree in Olympic history

By Tom Degun

Visa_Olympic_posterJuly 11 -  Visa Europe have released a ground-breaking report claiming that there will be a £750 million ($1.2 billion) consumer spending boost in the seven week period of next year's London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics meaning that Britain will witness the biggest ever consumer spend in the history of the Games.