Roald Bradstock: Has the time come for a "Super-Olympics"?

Roald Bradstock: Has the time come for a "Super-Olympics"?

Are we fighting a losing battle trying to stop athletes taking performance enhancing drugs? Is cheating just so much a part of “our” collective genetic makeup that it can never be eradicated from sport? Is the only option to throw more money at it, and make the offenders criminals and put them in prison, or is there an alternative, albeit extreme option?

Tokyo 2020 Olympic victory dragged into IAAF corruption scandal

Tokyo 2020 Olympic victory dragged into IAAF corruption scandal

Tokyo's victory in the race for the 2020 Olympics and Paralympic Games has been implicated in the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) corruption scandal after it was suggested a sponsorship payment agreed between Japan and the the world governing body may have encouraged some International Olympic Committee members to vote for it rather than rival Istanbul.